Did you get a light-bulb moment this morning?
If you are like most business self-starters and entrepreneurs I’m pretty sure that you think about and come up with a new idea for a project or product several times a week?
The idea may be a good, or or even great one, the problem is how do you know if it will work? Is it a money spinner or a drain on your time and financial resources? Do you have the expertise to plan, implement and execute it?
The Founder Institute hosts hundreds of free start-up events across the globe to help aspiring founders improve their ideas and entrepreneurial skills, all in a low-pressure environment.
Here is their 10 step system for checking out the viability of your idea.
About the Author
Maya Mendoza is a well known online marketing consultant, copywriter, and founder of Milagro Fusion Marketing. She works with authors, entrepreneurs and businesses to help clients skyrocket their online visibility and popularity via digital and social media channels using content marketing, public relations and SEO. Maya is also the author of two books and was recently awarded the title Best Marketing Consultant Glasgow.